Does your child get headaches, reverse letters/numbers, skip lines when reading or have a short attention span? Studies show that 1 out of 5 school age children have an undiagnosed visual issue that affects learning. As many as 70% of learning disabled and remedial reading students have a significant visual component to their learning problems.
If your child is struggling in school, Vision Therapy at Optometric Physician of Middle Tennessee can help.
Vision Therapy is an individualized, supervised treatment program designed to correct visual-motor and/or perceptual deficiencies. The goal of VT is to train the brain to use the eyes to receive information effectively, comprehend it quickly and react appropriately. Vision Therapy will enhance eye teaming, focusing, convergence skills, perceptual skills and more.
Vision Therapy can help with a variety of behaviors or disorders. Here are a few examples:
• Lazy eye, crossed-eyes, or wandering eyes
• Squinting or covering one eye to see
• Short attention span (diagnosed with ADHD or ADD)
• Poor visual/motor skills (hand-eye coordination)
• Frequently loses place while reading
• Complains of double vision
For success stories please visit:
Richard Durocher, O.D
Kate Nelson, Vision Therapist
Optometric Physicians of Middle Tennessee
4322 Harding Pike, Suite 214
Nashville, TN 37205
Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry Dr. John C. Stritikus, D.D.S. Dr. Justin Robbins, D.D.S. Dr. Shawn McMoran, D.D.S.
About Me
- Dickson Pediatric Dentistry
- Our main focus at Dickson Pediatric Dentistry is to ensure that your child has a positive dental experience. Our child-oriented practice is built on a love for children and a desire to make them feel comfortable with dentistry. Our goal is to alleviate any fear or anxiety you or your child may have concerning thier dental experience. We understand that all children are unique and must be treated as such in order to achieve this goal. We see children as young as 1 year old for early prevention.